
1. When you wish to install a door access security system, there are a few things need to considered. If you are looking for…
Door Access Solution
Standalone Entry.
Those who whish to have the simple door access, we would suggest to go for “SMF-F30S.
Basic Time Attendence
These who wish to have time attendence with door access. we would suggest to go for card reader with built in server-webpass
Fingerprint Time attendence
If you are looking for door access system with time attendence system, we would suggest “Biosense II
Facial Time Attendence
If you are looking for door access system with time attendence system, we would suggest Biosense SMF-300 OR SMF-500

When you wish to install a door access security system, there are a few other systems you might need to consider.
Failing to consider, you may end up not possible or not easy to install at a later stage.
1. When a customers comes to your door expect him to knock on the door with his knuckle.
2. Do you need to see him over video door phone.
3. Do you need to speak to him over audio door phone.
4. Do you need wish to have a wireless door bell for him to press.

1. Should We go for NVR, or HD NVR (TVI,CVI,AHD)?
It is quite similar to whether to select an auto gear car or manual gear car
2. What resolution (720P/1080P/1536P/etc) should we ?
It is quite similar to what kind of capacity of a car you want (1000cc, 1600cc, and etc). Typically, we suggest Analog HD Solution with 1080P. If you are IT savy, you can so for IP camera and NVR
How to make a wide choice for…
1. Surveillence Solution
2. Security Door Access System

What is IP Camera?
1. In general, we can categories IP Camera to Home use IP camera and Professional IP camera.
How Use IP Camera?
Typically, it is connected to internet using P2P Technology. It is easy to setup, low cost. The video footage bis recorded to micro SD Card up to 646Bytes/128Bytes. With a better one, it can be recorded to cloud server.
The only disadvantage is that it is a shorter period off recording (1 week, depends on the size of micro SD card)
Typically, it is connected to internet using P2P Technology. It is easy to setup, low cost. The video footage bis recorded to micro SD Card up to 646Bytes/128Bytes. With a better one, it can be recorded to cloud server.
The only disadvantage is that it has a higher cost than the home IP camera.
If you wish to install 4 IP Camera or less, you can go for Home use camera, Because Home use cameras are connected to wifi router. If there are too many of these cameras connected to wifi router, you might have problems unless you have a relative good WIFI router.

Remote WIFI Controller
The controller built in WIFI Access, which can be linked to 2.4GHz router or Access Point. H also built-in with NO AND NO relay which can be used to control other device.
Ewelink application in Android and Apple Store can be used to control the controller remotely.

Benefit of CCTV Singapore Solution

We are CCTV Singapore Solution provider established since 2003 and are capable of supporting Avtech HD CCTV, HikVision HD CCTV, Dahua HD CCTV, Samsung CCTV, Panasonic CCTV and many others.
Our CCTV Singapore solution is reliable for both home and office for 24-hrs monitoring. Furthermore, our users can view live footage through his/her mobile phone anywhere and anytime.
CCTV Singapore Solution
Monitoring of Child and Eldery
Nowsdays, both parents are working full time and leaving the domestic helper to taking care of the child and eldery at home. However, there are many reported that yound kids and old folks being mistreated.
Monitoring of Child
Our CCTV Singapore Solutions are suitable for monitoring the child while he/she is at home. You may know what are they doing at home, whether they are watch TV programme or doing home work.
Monitoring of Eldery
We are facing aging population like many countries. With our CCTV Singapore Solutions, you will be able to view your eldery through mobile phone to ensure that the domestic helper is properly taking care of them.